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Jamison Parker, a student at Shelbyville Central High School and a CTE student, will receive 150 contact hours for his future enrollment with the Tennessee College of Applied Technology-Shelbyville's Information Technology and Infrastructure Management program.
Jamison is taking the "Work Based Learning" program under Sam Blevins, teacher at the CTE Annex and the Network and Cybersecurity course under Larry Shelton, teacher also at the CTE Annex. Jamison has attended the ITIM program weekly since September 2018. He was assessed this week and given the 150 contact hours.
Congratulations Jamison!
L-R TCAT Shelbyville Vice President Brandon Hudson, Mike Miller and Steve Mallard Instructors of the ITIM program, Seroberto Moreno, mentor student ITIM who worked with Jamison, Jamison Parker, and TCAT Shelbyville President Laura Monks. #TNPromise #Driveto55